Review – Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Before I get to my SPOILER FREE review, I just want to say that this will probably be the shortest review I write because I don’t want to give away a thing.  I don’t want to tell you the plot, the characters, or anything.  I’m just going to tell you my opinion of the movie.  Nothing more, nothing less.

The Force Awakens was my most anticipated movie of 2015 and probably of my life.  After the prequels left the taste shame, sadness, and bile in my mouth, it looked like sci-fi maestro J.J. Abrams corrected those mistakes and made the Star Wars film we have wanted since the original trilogy.

Abrams succeeds in so many ways, it is ridiculous.  The Force Awakens is simply perfect.  The tone, the characters, the vision, the acting, the score, everything is right.  This is one of the greatest cinematic experiences I’ve ever had.

The Force Awakens, much like another seventh installment of a series that came out this year, Creed, is much a product of the original, but also its own movie.  There are specific tropes, jokes, and plot points that resonate from the original trilogy but J.J. Abrams makes it its own movie and the beginning of something new and great.  This is a fantastic start to the new trilogy, with a clear and concise vision of what the story and tone is going to be for the next two films.

The cast is spot on.  Everybody in this movie is great.  Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, and Adam Driver seamlessly merge with the old schoolers of Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill, who don’t skip a beat from their classic characters.  This is probably the best acted Star Wars film ever.

Technically the movie awe-inspiring.  Abrams perfectly combines practical and CGI effects to make the film look like an updated, non-cheesy version of the originals.  John Williams’ score is perfect as usual, as new characters get their own songs and we hear some of the classics from the old trilogy.  The fight sequences, whether in the sky, with lightsabers, or with guns, are thrilling and well choreographed.

I knew I was in for something special when the opening crawl almost made me cry.  It brought me back to the feeling I had when watching the originals.  The Force Awakens is everything I wanted and more.  It gives me and many fans hope for the future of Star Wars and reminded me why the Star Wars franchise is the landmark that it is.  The Force Awakens is exciting, action-packed, funny, sad, and simply perfect.



What did you think of The Force Awakens?  Comment below, or hit me up on Twitter @kevflix or on Facebook on my page Kevflix.