Top 5 – Moments in the ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Trailer

The latest Captain America: Civil War trailer dropped today and needless to say, it is as epic as any trailer released this year. I had the movie ranked at number seven on my most anticipated movies of the year. But after this trailer, I would now move it up to within my top five. Here are what I saw as the best moments from the latest trailer.
Here is the trailer incase you haven’t watched it yet. Then continue down to see my favorite moments.
Seeing General ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross (William Hurt) back is a pleasant sight, as Hurt is a great actor and it shows that Marvel hasn’t completely forgotten about the Edward Norton Incredible Hulk (2008). What I loved about Ross’s speech is that they tackle an issue that was only touched on in the fictional superhero film Hancock (2008). The damage and destruction has people worried and is a major issue. This also sets up the reason why the team ends up being divided.
This fight is going to be brutal, and you can tell that from the way Captain America (Chris Evans) looks; bloodied, beaten, exhausted. This looks more like a fight of fists and strength than powers vs powers. This is going to be one hell of a battle, and possibly the best fight in the entire movie. This is also the emotional punch in the trailer. Two former friends and two heroes going toe-to-toe is really powerful and the most emotional part of the film and maybe the MCU.
This was one of the very last moments of the trailer, but it was amazing. Seeing both sides with all heroes charging at each other, you know something epic and explosive is about to go down. This is the money shot for the trailer and lets us as the viewer decide who we are siding with.
I cannot wait to see Black Panther. I love the actor (Chadwick Boseman) and the character is so cool and the first trailer makes him look badass. I love the fact that he’s immediately going to be a big part in the film without having an origin movie. Panther seems to have it out for the Winter Solider (Sebastian Stan), as earlier in the trailer, we see him sprinting after the Solider as he tries to ride away on his motorcycle. The showdown on the roof will bring two of the more mysterious, yet best, characters together for a brawl that could be bigger and better than Iron Man vs Captain America.
There were rumors swirling that Spider-Man was going to be in this trailer. I was worried they would over-show the hero and ruin any of the anticipation we had for him. The brief taste at the end is all we needed and was a perfect way to end the trailer. This gave me a similar feeling to the one I had when they revealed Han Solo and Chewbacca at the end of the second Force Awakens (2015) trailer, which was one of excitement and happiness. How big of a role Spidey will have in the movie is still a mystery, and that is more than okay with me. This was far and away the best part of the Captain America: Civil War trailer and made me more excited for a movie I was already ecstatic for.
Check out the trailer below and let me know what your favorite part was. Comment below or hit me up on Twitter @kevflix. And don’t forget to like Kevflix on Facebook by clicking right here.
Captain America: Civil War comes out on May 6.