Review – Baywatch

Following in the footsteps of other raunchy T.V. adaptations, like 21 Jump Street (2012) and CHiPS (2017), we get Baywatch, a funny, sexy, action-packed, at times low-brow film that is perfect for the summer.
Baywatch centers around devoted lifeguard Mitch Buchanan (Dwayne Johnson) as he butts heads with brash new recruit Matt Brody (Zac Efron). The two begin to uncover a local criminal plot that threatens the future of the Bay and must put aside their differences, rally the team, and save the Bay.
This cast will probably go down as the sexiest cast of 2017. It isn’t all asses, abs, and action, but it’s pretty close. Dwayne Johnson brings the usual charisma and physicality that he brings to every role, cracking some solid one-liners and saving the day whenever possible. Zac Efron is as jacked as ever and quietly becoming one of the better comedic actors we have working today. Much like his character in the Neighbors films (2014/2016), Efron plays the dumb frat-bro to perfection. Jon Bass plays the only character without a six-pack and tries to pass as a Josh Gad/Jonah Hill ripoff, but still offers up some pretty good laughs.
All of the women did a good job, but didn’t have much to work with. Sure, they’re all sexy with pretty smiles, but they didn’t have a lot depth. Alexandra Deddario is a rising star, and though she tries, her character was only partially written. I really wish they dove into Ilfenesh Hadera’s character Stephanie more, as she becomes an afterthought during the movie. She’s supposed to be Mitch’s number one and next in line to run the Bay, but I never got that from her character. I will say, I had a great time with Kelly Rohrbach as the infamous CJ Parker. She brought a spark and new kind of fun to her role. You can see the makings of star in her.
This movie is a lot of dumb fun. It starts off cool, hilarious, raunchy, and flashy, setting the tone for the characters and the entire movie. However, it slows down drastically during the middle portion to flesh out more of the plot, even though you forget what was actually happening shortly after you leave the theater, only to pick up in the final act, which concludes with an explosive action sequence. Even when slower, the movie thrives on its action and the chemistry from the cast. WaveRunners crash, boats are on fire, and fists are thrown in some well choreographed, exciting action. And even though they don’t give the women a lot to work with and Brody’s character arc isn’t really an arc, the team still vibes well together and you can’t help but love all of them.
Baywatch isn’t as brilliant as 21 and 22 Jump Street (2014), but it isn’t the trash of CHiPS (2017). It is slightly flawed in its pacing and character development, but ends up being a stupid-fun action comedy with a charismatic cast that embraces the campiness of the tight bathing suits and slow-motion of the original show. Baywatch is the perfect, turn-you-brain-off summer movie and an overall enjoyable experience.
Did you see Baywatch? What did you think? Comment below or hit me up on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, or on Facebook by searching Kevflix.