Top 5 – Star Wars Characters

Top 5 – Star Wars Characters

It’s finally here kids.  It’s Star Wars week!  This Thursday, the highly anticipated Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be released for all of us to see and I simply cannot wait.  So let’s kick off Star Wars week with a look back at the best, most legendary characters from the film series.   5 – Darth Maul  Episodes I, II, and III are not very good movies.  However, one of the few bright spots…

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Review – Youth

Review – Youth

I saw Youth almost two months ago at the Chicago International Film Festival.  Due to reviewing other movies and attempting to have a social life, I was unable to review it immediately after I saw it.  Youth is a movie that I have constantly thought about since seeing it.  It is a powerful, funny, tragic, sweet look at aging, friendship, family, and life.  It also features some Hollywood legends doing some of the best work…

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Review – Chi-Raq

Review – Chi-Raq

Dear Spike Lee, You used to be one of the most electric filmmakers working in Hollywood.  With masterpieces like Do the Right Thing (1989) and 25th Hour (2002), you made movies that mattered.  They spoke to a specific issue with such a passion and were made with such a focused vision. However, you’ve had a rough run as of late, including the abysmal remake of Oldboy (2013).  Chi-Raq was the perfect opportunity for a comeback….

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Review – Krampus

Review – Krampus

Krampus should have been the worst kind of awesome.  A Christmas horror movie with a ridiculous plot and some funny cast members should have been a campy good time.  Instead, Krampus suffers from the soft, PG-13 rating and tries to hard to be taken seriously. Max (Emjay Anthony) is a child who just wants to have a good, family friendly Christmas.  However, his parents (Adam Scott and Toni Collette) are having issues and his trailer…

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Oscar Predictions – December 5, 2015

Oscar Predictions – December 5, 2015

With Top 10’s and Best of the Year lists starting to come out, the Oscar picture is getting a little clearer.  It is still extremely foggy with no real frontrunner as of now, but we can start to narrow down some movies.  The only movie we are waiting for is “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, which could change the game. You can watch all the trailers by clicking on the titles of films.     BEST…

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Review – James White

Review – James White

James White follows a man who is his own worst enemy. A confused, angry man unknown where he belongs in the world who can self destruct at any point for any reason. It isn’t pleasant to watch, but it is some of the most fascinating pieces of cinema and acting of 2015. James (Christopher Abbot) is a troubled twenty something trying to make a life in New York. He smokes and drinks too much, he…

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Top 5 – Spike Lee Joints

Top 5 – Spike Lee Joints

There once was a time where it looked like Spike Lee may have lost it.  The visceral director who’s projects always pushed the boundaries of cinema, both thematically and visually, had a string of duds that made us question if Lee had lost his greatness.  However, with 2018’s BlackKklansman, Lee proved he was still one of our great directors working today.  With Lee’s latest film, Da 5 Bloods, dropping this weekend on Netflix, let’s look…

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Review – Legend

Review – Legend

Legend is much like the brothers the movie is about.  Ronnie Kray, the smooth, business savvy brother trying to stay clean, represents the good.  He’s charming, treats his wife well for the most part, doesn’t want to kill anyone, and will fight when he needs to.  His brother, Reggie, is a mentally unstable, violent mess who represents the bad.  Separate, Ronnie could have done great things.  However, due to the chaos his brother caused, he…

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Review – Trumbo

Review – Trumbo

I love film history.  I love learning about new writers, directors, and actors.  I love learning about old movies.  I love learning about the past and how it affects current movies.  Dalton Trumbo was someone I had heard of, but never did any research on.  Trumbo’s story is pretty incredible and deserved to be told.  And while the film is entertaining and fascinating with a great lead performance, the focus of the film makes this…

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Review – Creed

Review – Creed

In Creed, Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan), son of legendary boxer Apollo Creed (played by Carl Weathers in the original Rocky movies), tries to break free from his father’s shadow while also using what he knows as a fighter and about his father to guide him to greatness. You can say the movie itself is fighting a similar battle.  Creed is trying to be its own special movie and reinvent the Rocky series, yet not without keeping…

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