Top 5 – Awesome Movies Coming to Netflix in December

Netflix is closing out the 2017 year with a relatively weak month for streaming releases. One of my favorite movies of all-time is on here, so that’s a plus, but other than a holiday trilogy and some Will Smith, the month is weak. Here are my picks for the best movies coming to Netflix in December.
You see the full list of all the movies and T.V. shows coming to Netflix in December right here.
5 – BRIGHT (David Ayer, 2017)
If this Netflix original had come out two years ago, I would have been over the moon for it. David Ayer, the intense, gritty director behind End of Watch (2012) and Fury (2014) directing a futuristic cop film with Will Smith and Joel Edgerton sounds like a great combination. However, in 2016, Ayer and Smith teamed up for Suicide Squad and, well, the result wasn’t good. In fact, Suicide Squad is one of the worst comic book movies ever. Bright does look cool and does have potential, so let’s hope Smith and Ayer can make up for their DC debacle.
4 – CREEP 2 (Patrick Brice, 2017)
I saw Creep 2 at this year’s Chicago International Film Festival and man, did I have a ball with it. The first Creep (2014) was a fun, midnight surprise that scared the hell out of me. I didn’t think it warranted a sequel, but writer/director Patrick Brice and writer/actor Mark Duplass took everything that was great about the first one and elevated to new levels. Duplass owns this movie as our psychotic, yet oddly charming killer, Aaron, and we get a wonderful performance Desiree Akhavan as Aaron’s newest potential victim. This is a cool, creepy roller coaster with an awesome ending.
3 –DISNEY’ THE SANTA CLAUSE TRILOGY (John Pasquin/Michael Lembeck, 1994/2002/2006)
I mean, it is the Christmas season after all. The fact that we actually have a Christmas trilogy is pretty cool. Sure, neither of the sequels compare to the first film, as is the case with most sequels, but overall, this trilogy is pretty solid. The Santa Clause is a top five Christmas movie for me. I remember seeing it in theaters as a kid and I still love it to this day. The proceeding films are fun, but survive because of Tim Allen’s great performance. These are fun films to watch with the family and perfect for this time of year.
2 – HITCH (Andy Tennant, 2005)
Back when Will Smith seemed invincible as a star, he made Hitch and it is one of his most underrated gems. This is a wonderful romantic comedy and one of Smith’s finest hours. His charisma and swagger are out in full force and his comedic timing is perfect. Plus, this is the the best thing Kevin James has done ever, as he actually acts and gives his character depth, as opposed to the Paul Blart-slapstick we’re used to. This is a smart, funny, sweet film that, for being made in 2005, is still relevant to modern dating.
1 – 8 MILE (Curtis Hansen, 2002)
8 Mile is a truly great film. Curtis Hansen crafted a raw, gritty, bone-crushing film that is part hip-hop musical, part Italian Neorealism. Rapper Eminem gives an electric performance as Jimmy ‘B-Rabbit’ Smith, a wanna-be rapper struggling to make it in urban Detroit. Hansen created a hip-hop Rocky (1976). An inspiring look at dreamers that are looking for respect and a way out. This is one of the most important movies of my life, as it came out during a time when I started understanding film and started understanding hip-hop. The music is great, the performances are top notch, and Hansen’s direction is perfect. 8 Mile is a masterpiece and easily the best movie coming to Netflix in December.
What movies coming to Netflix are you excited for? Comment below or hit me up on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, or on Facebook by searching Kevflix.