Top 5 – Awesome Movies Coming Out in October

October is here and it is now officially the fall movie season. This is the month where we start to get a clear picture of the Oscars and get some of the best movies of the year. We also get in the Halloween spirit and get our fair share of horror movies. Here are my picks for the best movies coming out in October.
5 – JIGSAW (Michael Spierig & Peter Spierig, October 27)
Look, that Saw franchise is not one of my favorites. I really enjoyed the first two films, but the rest of the series is the epitome of the torture-porn genre. But this one looks rather interesting and could hopefully recenter the series back to it’s excellence. It’s been seven years since the last Saw film and I don’t think they would resurrect the series if they didn’t have a good idea behind them. I am hoping this will be a fun, gory, ridiculous horror film.
4 – SUBURBICON (George Clooney, October 27)
Suburbicon started the year as one of my most anticipated movies. Written by the Coen Brothers and directed by George Clooney, the movies had the makings of a Coen film but with the Clooney’s touch. However, after making stops at the Venice Film Festival and the Toronto Film Festival, buzz around this film hasn’t been great, calling the film uneven and disappointing. I am still excited to check this out, as the cast is great and I am always down for anything the Coen Brothers touch, but I have my reservations.
3 – THE FLORIDA PROJECT (Sean Baker, October 6)
I saw The Florida Project a couple weeks ago and it is a movie I am still thinking about. This is a beautiful, heartbreaking look at the homeless epidemic in Florida all seen through the eyes of a child. Sean Baker has created an authentic, quiet masterpiece with glorious color-pop and realistic performances. It features Willem Dafoe in one of the best performances of his career and a slew up new-comers who are all great. I will dive more into this in my review, but if The Florida Project gets released at a theater near you, make sure you seek it out because it is one of 2017’s best.
2 – BLADE RUNNER 2049 (Denis Villeneuve, October 6)
I am not the biggest fan of the original Blade Runner (1982). I think that it is visually stunning with some cool moments, but is overall sluggish and not one of the greatest science fiction movies of all-time, despite what many people think. However, 2049 has me excited for so many reasons. I am excited to see the Blade Runner story expand to new levels. I am excited to see Harrison Ford back as Deckard and seeing new additions in Ryan Gosling, Robin Wright, and Jared Leto (kind of). I am excited to see Roger Deakins’ beautiful cinematography that will hopefully get him his overdue Oscar. And I am excited to see one of my favorite directors working today make a movie on the biggest scale possible. Early word is great, let’s hope that that’s the case.
1 – THE SNOWMAN (Tomas Alfredson, October 20)
The Snowman was on my radar all year, but one that I didn’t hear any buzz from until the trailer dropped. This is one of the best trailers of the year. An absolutely chilling film that promises grisly violence, a captivating mystery, and great filmmaking. The film stars Michael Fassbender and Rebecca Ferguson as detectives trying to solve a woman murderer in ice cold Norway. Alfredson is an excellent director, having proven himself in the horror genre with Let the Right One In (2008), and always getting great performances from his actors, as proven in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011). Alfredson looks like he has another winner on his hands, with a great cast and story right up his alley, which is The Snowman is my most anticipated movie of October.
What movies coming out in October are you excited for? Comment below or hit me up on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, or on Facebook by searching Kevflix.