Top 5 – Awesome Movies Coming Out in November

The 2017 year is almost, so you better believe there are a number of strong movies coming out this month, including some big studio films, indies, and some of the best movies of the year. Here are my picks for the best movies coming out in November.
5 – COCO (Lee Unkrich, November 22)
I mean, it’s Pixar. This is one of the best studios in the world today and they have yet to make a truly bad movie (say what you want about Cars 2 (2011), it’s still better than most movies). After Cars 3 earlier this year, you can see the studio is getting back to their roots by making character driven films that cater to both kids and adults. Coco looks like a Pixar gem, with some beautiful animation and a story that deals loss, family and the afterlife. This is sure to hit us in the feels and has the makings of being the best animated film of the year.
4 – JUSTICE LEAGUE (Zack Snyder/Joss Whedon, November 17)
I’m still not sold on the DCEU. Yes, Wonder Woman is one of the best movies of 2017 and the only great (or even good) film that they’ve made so far and we do get to see Jason Mamoa and Ezra Miller and Aquaman an Flash for the first time, so that’s kind of cool. But there are still a lot of red flags here. First, the DCEU track record isn’t great, with two garbage movies, a decent one, and then the aforementioned Wonder Woman. Also, due to a terribly tragedy in Zack Snyder’s family, the changing of directors during the process could make the film uneven. But my biggest worry is the tone. I liked that the DCEU was darker and grittier, almost the anti-Avengers. But the trailers promise a lighter, funnier tone which is completely against type. I hope this is good, but have a lot of reservations.
3 – DARKEST HOUR (Joe Wright, November 22)
Gary Oldman is getting his Oscar speech ready for playing Winston Churchill in Joe Wright’s biopic. This movie has Oscar-bait written all over it. It’s a World War II period piece about Winston Churchill leading Britain during the Battle of Dunkirk. Joe Wright has been an underrated director since his masterful Atonement (2007) and this could be the film to put him over the edge. Playing like gangbusters at festivals, this is an Oscar frontrunner and is set to be a Gary Oldman showcase.
I’m not going to dive to deep into this one, as I have already seen it and will be writing a full review before it comes at. Three Billboards is one of the best movie of 2017. An emotional roller coaster that will bring you to tears with it’s comedy and emotion. Francis McDormand gives one of the performances of 2017 as a vengeful mother and Sam Rockwell is surely to receive an Oscar nomination, and maybe a win, for his performance as a short-tempered police officer. This is a phenomenal movie in every way and needs to be seen by all.
1 – THOR: RAGNAROK (Taika Waititi, November 3)
The only movie that could beat out one of the best movies of the year is a movie that has the potential to be one of the best comic book movies ever. Thor: Ragnarok looks like the definition of amazing, and this is coming from someone who isn’t a big fan of the first two Thor films. Bringing in Planet Hulk is huge, as is the casting choice of Cate Blanchett as the villainous Hela and Tessa Thomson as Valkyrie. But I’m most excited to see what director Taika Waititi can do with a massive budget. Having made sensational indie comedies in What We Do in the Shadows (2014) and Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016), Waititi’s name will finally become a regular among film fans. His unique vision, comedic brilliance, and storytelling ability are going to add another level to the film, but to the MCU in general, which is why Thor: Ragnarok is the most exciting movie coming out in November.
What movies coming out in November are you excited for? Comment below or hit me up on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, or on Facebook by searching Kevflix.