Top 5 – Awesome Movies Coming Out in July

Halfway through the summer movie season! So far, so good as far as I can tell. Now, we’re on to July. Here are five movies coming out in July that you need to see.
5 – LIFE, ANIMATED (Roger Ross Williams, July 1)
You guys probably haven’t heard of this movie, but everyone needs to see it. This documentary tells the story of Owen Suskind, a child with autism who learned how to talk and interact with other people by watching Disney movies. This film shows the power of cinema and shows that it is more than just entertainment. It is a funny, moving, heartbreaking film and one I absolutely loved at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. For my full thoughts on Life, Animated, check out my review right here.
4 – MIKE AND DAVE NEED WEDDING DATES (Jake Szymanski, July 8)
In a summer of relatively tame comedies, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates looks to be the debaucherous comedy we so need. With a great cast of comedic talent, including Zac Efron, Adam DeVine, Aubrey Plaza, and Anna Kendrick, set to a ridiculous plot, this is going to be a rowdy and hilarious time. This isn’t going to be the smartest movie of 2016, but there will be no shortage of laughs in this one, and that’s all I am asking for.
3 – GHOSTBUSTERS (Paul Feig, July 15)
To quote the great Taylor Swift, “Hater’s gonna hate, hate, hate.” There is SO much hate around this new Ghostbusters, and yet, nobody has even seen the movie. People and internet trolls everywhere are acting like there has never been a bad trailer made before. Trolls be warned, this movie is going to rock. All I need to know is that it’s made by Paul Feig, the comedy master behind Bridesmaids (2011), The Heat (2013), and Spy (2015) and it has the amazing cast of Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones. I cannot wait for the trolls to eat their words.
2 – JASON BOURNE (Paul Greengrass, July 29)
Oh Jason Bourne, how we’ve missed you. Damon is back as badass assassin Jason Bourne, as he continues kicking ass and taking names on his search for answers. What really has me excited is the return of Paul Greengrass behind the camera. Greengrass is behind the two best Bourne’s, Supremacy (2004) and Ultimatum (2007) and is just a great director. Bringing in new cast members like Tommy Lee Jones and recent Oscar winner Alicia Vikander will only up the acting in between the hardcore action that sure to ensue. Jason Bourne has the potential to not only be good, but be great.
1 – THE BFG (Steven Spielberg, July 1)
Steven Spielberg looks to continue his streak of brilliance, this time with more of a kid friendly film. The BFG looks E.T. (1982) Spielberg, taking a childhood story and making it heartfelt, yet thrilling and technically astounding. The trailer is the definition of magical, featuring a whimsical John Williams score and visuals you want as computer backgrounds. I love Spielberg and think that he is making movies as good as he ever has and The BFG looks like another Spielberg classic.
What movies coming out in July are you excited for? Comment below or hit me up on Twitter @kevflix or on Facebook at Kevflix.